Saturday, November 13, 2010

Software Defined Radio and PSK31 Decode using Digipan

I recently purchased a WinRadio Excalibur Software Defined Radio (SDR). This very cool radio can scan and analyse radio signals across the full 0.00 - 50.00 MHz range - and therefore makes great wide spectrum analyser! It supports AM, AMS, FM, LSB/USB (SSB), CW, DRM, FSK and UDM modulation.

For a while I listened to amateur bands (particularly 20 and 15m) and recorded "QSOs" in my own QSO logging software (which I will feature on this blog at some stage soon) - however I quickly became interested in decoding digital modes in the amateur bands (i.e. PSK31 etc).

The screen capture above shows the SDR recieving PSK31 and decoding using a free software application called Digipan. To set this up I also had to download VAC (Virtual Audio Cable) to route the audio to digipan for decoding.

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